
The information on this website is provided by the attorneys who’s name is listed at the bottom of the home page of this site, and made available to the public for viewing . The Law Offices of William R. McGee does not warrant the accuracy of the information contained within this website, nor does it warrant if any of the information contained on any page(s) is out-of-date, superceded, non-applicable to certain state(s), or amended. This website lists lemon law lawyers or law firms in various states. The information contained in this website is of a informational basis only, and does not suggest or constitute legal opinions or legal advice of The Law Offices of William R. McGee or listed law firms. The listing of any/all law firms does not constitute an endorsement for any of the listed lawyers or law firms, and does not guarantee in any way that they are certified by any board or agency, as a specialist or expert, in their particular field of law practice. Use of the information on this website, by clients and potential clients, does not constitute an
attorney-client relation- ship between listed lawyers or law firms . Use of this information contained in the website does not constitute a attorney-client relationship between clients and potential clients and the Law Offices of William R. McGee. Some lemon law firms/practitioners listed on this site do not have toll-free telephone numbers.
Notwithstanding the exchange of information (including documents) concerning a potential Lemon Law claim, no attorney/client relationship is formed and no services will be performed on your behalf, until a retainer agreement has been sent to you, signed by you, and returned to our office.